Pilentum Television

Golden Spike Modeljernbane Klubben - Freight Trains and Goods Trains Galore - Probably the longest model trains you have ever seen!

Pilentum Television » Videos Volume 9 » Video № 405


Probably, these are the longest model trains you have ever seen! When Pilentum Television has visited an exhibit for U.S. model railroads in Germany, he discovered a very special model railroad layout that has been built by Danish model railroaders. These rail enthusiasts from Denmark are members of the “Golden Spike Modeljernbane Klubben”, located in Copenhagen. Unfortunately, the layout was presented without a background (background picture or background scenery). Therefore, Pilentum concentrated on the special feature of this layout, namely on the rolling stock consisting of extremely long freight trains.




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» Auctions for model trains and accessories on eBay (Australia)


Golden Spike Modeljernbane Klubben - Freight Trains and Goods Trains Galore - Probably the longest model trains you have ever seen!

Golden Spike Modeljernbane Klubben - Freight Trains and Goods Trains Galore - Probably the longest model trains you have ever seen!

Golden Spike Modeljernbane Klubben - Freight Trains and Goods Trains Galore - Probably the longest model trains you have ever seen!

Golden Spike Modeljernbane Klubben - Freight Trains and Goods Trains Galore - Probably the longest model trains you have ever seen!

Golden Spike Modeljernbane Klubben - Freight Trains and Goods Trains Galore - Probably the longest model trains you have ever seen!

You have spent many years building a model train layout? Wouldn't it be nice if you could present your model rail layout to the world? Pilentum Television offers you this unique opportunity: You can reach an audience of millions and present your layout on Pilentum’s video channel.

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Published: May 1, 2023